7th/8th Graders Moderate a Panel of Experts on the Accessibility of Safe Water in Chicago
by Aaron Marcus, 7th/8th grade teacher "All the years of hard work empowering students truly paid off when the 7th and 8th graders hosted and led a panel about water science, law, social justice, and policies. They were truly comfortable, capable, confident, and professional in bridging the art of presenting with the science of a current and relevant issue." Yelena Spector, parent It wasn't C-SPAN. Nor was it PBS. If you joined Akiba-Schechter online on Thursday, June 3, you witnessed the 7th and 8th graders moderating a panel discussion entitled “How Accessible is Safe Drinking Water in Chicago?” It was the culminating project of a nine-week interdisciplinary study. For more than an hour, the students grilled a distinguished panel of experts about science, civics, history, and law. The panelists included: Illinois State Senator Robert Peters (Hyde Park's very own representative) Dr. Helen Binns, Director of the Lead Evaluation Program at Lurie Children'...