A Student's Perspective on School in Akiba Atmosphere

by 8th grader Nina Glick

Akiba-Schechter is an extraordinary school. My eight years at Akiba prior to the Corona Virus were enjoyable, and I didn’t think a place as special as Akiba-Schechter could have been replicated until it unveiled its online equivalent: Akiba Atmosphere.

At the beginning of this pandemic, Akiba remained calm and did all that was possible to keep the students safe and healthy. When Governor Pritzker announced that all Illinois schools would be closed, Akiba transitioned from teaching in a physical classroom to a digital one. The administration and teachers put together a professional website in a matter of days, and learning through this Akiba Atmosphere site has been easy and fun for us students.

Every morning the entire middle school and staff meet on a video call for morning announcements.

The sense of community I feel on that video chat is similar to the one I feel on a normal day. 

The classes are still engaging, and I have many opportunities to meet with teachers online to discuss assignments and other classwork. I met with teachers before, but these additional one-on-one opportunities have strengthened my connections with my teachers and my comprehension of the content. Also, a variety of school clubs such as poker club and drawing club have adapted, so we can continue to have fun with our friends. 

Of course Akiba Atmosphere isn’t the same as normal school. However, the well structured schedule makes the experience feel more familiar.

The ability to have online classes grants more independence to the students. 

When Akiba told us about the new system, I didn’t know what to expect. But after the first day, I was blown away. My teachers are cheerful and encouraging, just like they are at school. Akiba Atmosphere is a superb replacement for physical school, and I am very grateful to have this experience.

Akiba’s mission is to put the students and their well-being before all else, and Akiba Atmosphere continues that mission under these unprecedented circumstances. Akiba does a wonderful job doing so many things, and I am proud to be a student at Akiba-Schechter and Akiba Atmosphere.
